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What We Do

Whether your project is a mid-continent processing or storage facility, transportation system, Gulf Coast plant or refinery, or an onshore or offshore oil and gas development, RCI can assist your team. Our suite of services covers project consultancy and management, surveillance and inspection, quality assurance and quality control, and services in the fields of occupational health and safety and environmental management. Our highly specialized and experienced employees primarily service clients in the onshore and offshore segments of the oil and gas industry, focusing on complex tasks such as offshore structures, topside facilities, and subsea pipelines and equipment, including significant involvement in deep-water field development.

Proven Project Management Teams

Our highly experienced team of project managers, HSE professionals, field coordinators, schedulers and planners works with our clients to ensure that each and every project is managed professionally and efficiently. With our unique blend of management skill and extensive experience, we strive to identify, anticipate and consider potential field problems from both the client’s and contractor’s perspective before they negatively impact a project.

Experienced Construction Managers

RCI has extensive construction experience gained from projects executed around the globe. Our managers come from the construction and engineering community, bringing with them experience gained from operating as a contractor or in a design engineering firm working for various end users. This experience gives them the unique ability to represent the client, but fully understand the contracting strategies employed in bidding and contracting the work, and to efficiently manage the various contractors as they perform and execute the project. Having this knowledge on your side of the table helps to more effectively plan and manage your construction efforts, saving both time and money while reducing risk.